API Programs > Store Locator API

Store Locator API

The Store Locator API enables third party integrations to fetch, search, and filter realtime dynamic store location information about any of our thousands of store locations and their associated services.

Version Highlights /v2:

  • Brand new micro-service contract, adjust your apps ASAP
  • Added new detailed descriptions of all request and response parameters!
  • Updated responses for API request to reflect New Emergency Enhancement fields for specific store locations when specific conditions are met

Below are the technical steps you will need to go through in order to get your integration configured and branded correctly:

The following API endpoints can be used to programmatically integrate all functions of the Store Locator experience:


  • Geolocation:
    POST /api/stores/search/v2
  • Address:
    POST /api/stores/search/v2
  • Zipcode:
    POST /api/stores/search/v2


  • Store Details:
    POST /api/stores/details/v1


  • Store Number List:
    POST /api/util/storenumber/v1

Search by Geolocation

This endpoint can be used to search for a list of stores closest to the lat and lng passed into the API.

Endpoint URL


Endpoint Information

Request format JSON
Response format JSON
Authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes
Requests Per Minute 500

Request Body

Name Optionality Description Example
apiKey required Your API Key. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz"
affId required Your AffiliateID. "AAAAAAAAAA"
lat required The Latitude coordinate of the user. 41.876468
lng required The Longitude coordinate of the user. -87.639176
s required Items per page any valid size eg: 24, 48, etc
p required Current page number valid page number
r required The radius (miles) of the area to search. Default: 10. 20
requestType required A static value telling the channel of the requests. "locator"
filterOptions optional An array of strings used to filter to stores only containing specific filters. Full List Below
nxtPrev optional Used to paginate the search results, the index of the results number (every 10). 10
appVer optional The build version of your application. "1.0"
devInf optional The device manufacturer and version. "iPhone,13.0"

Example Request

curl --request POST \ 
--url https://services-qa.walgreens.com/api/stores/search/v2 \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ \
	"apiKey":"YOUR_API_KEY", \
	"s": "ITEMS_PER_PAGE", \
    "r": RADIUS_MILES, \
    "filterOptions": FILTER_OPTIONS_ARRAY, \
    "requestType": "locator", \
	"appVer":"#.#", \
	"devInf":"DEVICE,##.#" \
}' \

Example Response

    "filter":{ //Request Filters you made },
		"storeNumber": "STORE_NUMBER",
		"latitude": "STORE_LATITUDE",
		"longitude": "STORE_LONGITUDE",

		//New Emergency Enhancement fields
		"emerActiveInd": Y / N,
		"emerStatusCode": 1, 2,
		"emerStatusValue": Temporarily Closed, Open with Restricted Hours,
		"emerTypeCode": 2, 3, 4, 5,....,
		"emerTypeValue": Blizzard, Civil Disturbance, Curfew, Earthquake,....
		"emerFEDeptInd": Y / N,
		"emerRXDeptInd": Y / N,

			"storeType": "STORE_TYPE",
			"storeNumber": "STORE_NUMBER",
			"storeBrand": "STORE_BRAND",
			"storeOpenTime": "STORE_OPEN_TIME",
			"storeCloseTime": "STORE_CLOSE_TIME",
			"pharmacyOpenTime": "PHARMACY_OPEN_TIME",
			"pharmacyCloseTime": "PHARMACY_CLOSE_TIME",
			"timeZone": "STORE_TIME_ZONE",
				"zip": "STORE_ZIPCODE",
				"locationName": "LOCATION_SPECIFIC_NAME",
				"city": "STORE_CITY",
				"street": "STORE_ADDRESS",
				"intersection": "STORE_ROAD_INTERSECTION",
				"county": "STORE_COUNTY",
				"state": "STORE_STATE"
			"serviceIndicators":[ //Array of Objects defining services available ],
				"number": "STORE_PHONE_NUMBER",
				"faxNumber": "STORE_FAX_NUMBER",
    ...shortened for brevity

Search by Address

This endpoint can be used to search for a list of stores closest to the ADDRESS, CITY,ST via the address passed into the API.

Endpoint URL


Endpoint Information

Request format JSON
Response format JSON
Authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes
Requests Per Minute 500

Request Body

Name Optionality Description Example
apiKey required Your API Key. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz"
affId required Your AffiliateID. "AAAAAAAAAA"
address required The Address of the user. "100 S State St, Chicago, IL"
s required Items per page any valid size eg: 24, 48, etc
p required Current page number valid page number
r required The radius (miles) of the area to search. Default: 10. 20
requestType required A static value telling the channel of the requests. "locator"
filterOptions optional An array of strings used to filter to stores only containing specific filters. Full List Below
nxtPrev optional Used to paginate the search results, the index of the results number (every 10). 10
appVer optional The build version of your application. "1.0"
devInf optional The device manufacturer and version. "iPhone,13.0"

Example Request

curl --request POST \ 
--url https://services-qa.walgreens.com/api/stores/search/v2 \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ \
	"apiKey":"YOUR_API_KEY", \
    "affId":"YOUR_AFFILIATE_ID", \
	"address": CUSTOMER_ADDRESS, \
	"s": "ITEMS_PER_PAGE", \
    "r": RADIUS_MILES, \
    "filterOptions": FILTER_OPTIONS_ARRAY, \
    "requestType": "locator", \
	"appVer":"#.#", \
	"devInf":"DEVICE,##.#" \
}' \

Example Response

   "filter":{ //Request Filters you made },
		"storeNumber": "STORE_NUMBER",
		"latitude": "STORE_LATITUDE",
		"longitude": "STORE_LONGITUDE",

		//New Emergency Enhancement fields
		"emerActiveInd": Y / N,
		"emerStatusCode": 1, 2,
		"emerStatusValue": Temporarily Closed, Open with Restricted Hours,
		"emerTypeCode": 2, 3, 4, 5,....,
		"emerTypeValue": Blizzard, Civil Disturbance, Curfew, Earthquake,....
		"emerFEDeptInd": Y / N,
		"emerRXDeptInd": Y / N,

			"storeType": "STORE_TYPE",
			"storeNumber": "STORE_NUMBER",
			"storeBrand": "STORE_BRAND",
			"storeOpenTime": "STORE_OPEN_TIME",
			"storeCloseTime": "STORE_CLOSE_TIME",
			"pharmacyOpenTime": "PHARMACY_OPEN_TIME",
			"pharmacyCloseTime": "PHARMACY_CLOSE_TIME",
			"timeZone": "STORE_TIME_ZONE",
				"zip": "STORE_ZIPCODE",
				"locationName": "LOCATION_SPECIFIC_NAME",
				"city": "STORE_CITY",
				"street": "STORE_ADDRESS",
				"intersection": "STORE_ROAD_INTERSECTION",
				"county": "STORE_COUNTY",
				"state": "STORE_STATE"
			"serviceIndicators":[ //Array of Objects defining services available ],
				"number": "STORE_PHONE_NUMBER",
				"faxNumber": "STORE_FAX_NUMBER",
    ...shortened for brevity

Search by Zipcode

This endpoint can be used to search for a list of stores closest to the zipcode via the zip passed into the API.

Endpoint URL


Endpoint Information

Request format JSON
Response format JSON
Authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes
Requests Per Minute 500

Request Body

Name Optionality Description Example
apiKey required Your API Key. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz"
affId required Your AffiliateID. "AAAAAAAAAA"
zip required The Zipcode of the user. "60601"
s required Items per page any valid size eg: 24, 48, etc
p required Current page number valid page number
r required The radius (miles) of the area to search. Default: 10. 20
requestType required A static value telling the channel of the requests. "locator"
filterOptions optional An array of strings used to filter to stores only containing specific filters. Full List Below
nxtPrev optional Used to paginate the search results, the index of the results number (every 10). 10
appVer optional The build version of your application. "1.0"
devInf optional The device manufacturer and version. "iPhone,13.0"

Example Request

curl --request POST \ 
--url https://services-qa.walgreens.com/api/stores/search/v2 \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ \
	"apiKey":"YOUR_API_KEY", \
    "affId":"YOUR_AFFILIATE_ID", \
	"s": "ITEMS_PER_PAGE", \
    "r": RADIUS_MILES, \
    "filterOptions": FILTER_OPTIONS_ARRAY, \
    "requestType": "locator", \
	"appVer":"#.#", \
	"devInf":"DEVICE,##.#" \
}' \

Example Response

    "filter":{ //Request Filters you made },
		"storeNumber": "STORE_NUMBER",
		"latitude": "STORE_LATITUDE",
		"longitude": "STORE_LONGITUDE",

		//New Emergency Enhancement fields
		"emerActiveInd": Y / N,
		"emerStatusCode": 1, 2,
		"emerStatusValue": Temporarily Closed, Open with Restricted Hours,
		"emerTypeCode": 2, 3, 4, 5,....,
		"emerTypeValue": Blizzard, Civil Disturbance, Curfew, Earthquake,....
		"emerFEDeptInd": Y / N,
		"emerRXDeptInd": Y / N,

			"storeType": "STORE_TYPE",
			"storeNumber": "STORE_NUMBER",
			"storeBrand": "STORE_BRAND",
			"storeOpenTime": "STORE_OPEN_TIME",
			"storeCloseTime": "STORE_CLOSE_TIME",
			"pharmacyOpenTime": "PHARMACY_OPEN_TIME",
			"pharmacyCloseTime": "PHARMACY_CLOSE_TIME",
			"timeZone": "STORE_TIME_ZONE",
				"zip": "STORE_ZIPCODE",
				"locationName": "LOCATION_SPECIFIC_NAME",
				"city": "STORE_CITY",
				"street": "STORE_ADDRESS",
				"intersection": "STORE_ROAD_INTERSECTION",
				"county": "STORE_COUNTY",
				"state": "STORE_STATE"
			"serviceIndicators":[ //Array of Objects defining services available ],
				"number": "STORE_PHONE_NUMBER",
				"faxNumber": "STORE_FAX_NUMBER",
    ...shortened for brevity

Store Details

This endpoint can be used to fetch the entire list of store details for the storeNo passed into the API.

Endpoint URL


Endpoint Information

Request format JSON
Response format JSON
Authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes
Requests Per Minute 500

Request Body

Name Optionality Description Example
apiKey required Your API Key. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz"
affId required Your AffiliateID. "AAAAAAAAAA"
storeNo required The store number to query. "60601"
appVer optional The build version of your application. "1.0"
devInf optional The device manufacturer and version. "iPhone,13.0"

Example Request

curl --request POST \ 
--url https://services-qa.walgreens.com/api/stores/details/v1 \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ \
	"apiKey":"YOUR_API_KEY", \
    "affId":"YOUR_AFFILIATE_ID", \
    "storeNo": "STORE_NUMBER", \
    "appVer":"#.#", \
	"devInf":"DEVICE,##.#" \
}' \

Example Response

    "storeNumber": "STORE_NUMBER",
    "clinicId": "CLINIC_IDENTIFIER",
    "clinicNumber": "CLINIC_NUMBER",
    "partner_logo_small": "CLINIC_PARTNER_SMALL_LOGO_URL",
    "oncology": "ONCOLOGY_SCREENING_FLAG",
    "schedulingUrl": "CLINIC_SCHEDULING_URL",
    "longitude": "STORE_LONGITUDE",
	"latitude": "STORE_LONGITUDE",

	//New Emergency Enhancement fields
	"emerActiveInd": Y / N,
	"emerStatusCode": 1, 2,
	"emerStatusValue": Temporarily Closed, Open with Restricted Hours,
	"emerTypeCode": 2, 3, 4, 5,....,
	"emerTypeValue": Blizzard, Civil Disturbance, Curfew, Earthquake,....
	"emerFEDeptInd": Y / N,
	"emerRXDeptInd": Y / N,

    "pharmacyPhoneNumber": {
        "number": "PHARMACY_PHONE_NUMBER",
        "faxNumber": "PHARMACY_FAX_NUMBER",
        "type": "PHONE_NUMBER_TYPE"
    "timeZone": "STORE_TIME_ZONE",
    "servicesUrl": "CLINIC_SERVICES_URL",
    "urgent_care": "URGENT_CARE_FLAG",
    "emergencyCd": "EMERGENCY_SERVICES_FLAG",
    "phone": {
        "number": "STORE_PHONE_NUMBER",
        "areaCode": "STORE_PHONE_NUMBER_AREA_CODE",
        "faxNumber": "STORE_FAX_NUMBER",
        "type": "PHONE_NUMBER_TYPE"
    "telepharmacyKiosk": TELEPHARMACY_KIOSK_FLAG,
    "pharmacy": {
        "wkdaySameInd": "WEEKDAY_SAME_HOURS_FLAG",
        "avail": "PHARMACY_AVAILABLE_FLAG",
        "hours": [
                "mealBreak": [
                        "startTime": "MEAL_BREAK_START_TIME",
                        "endTime": "MEAL_BREAK_END_TIME",
                        "message": "MEAL_BREAK_MESSAGE",
                        "status": "MEAL_BREAK_STATUS"
                        "startTime": "MEAL_BREAK_START_TIME",
                        "endTime": "MEAL_BREAK_END_TIME",
                        "message": "MEAL_BREAK_MESSAGE",
                        "status": "MEAL_BREAK_STATUS"
                "close": "CLOSE_TIME_TODAY",
                "day": "HOURS_DAYS_OF_WEEK",
                "open": "OPEN_TIME_TODAY",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "mealBreak": [
                        "startTime": "MEAL_BREAK_START_TIME",
                        "endTime": "MEAL_BREAK_END_TIME",
                        "message": "MEAL_BREAK_MESSAGE",
                        "status": "MEAL_BREAK_STATUS"
                "close": "CLOSE_TIME_TODAY",
                "day": "HOURS_DAYS_OF_WEEK",
                "open": "OPEN_TIME_TODAY",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
        "hrs": [
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "7AM",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
    "partnerProvidedUrl": "CLINIC_PARTNER_URL",
    "partnerContent": {
    "clinicTypeInd": "CLINIC_TYPE_FLAG",
    "RxDisposal": "RX_DISPOSAL_FLAG",
    "partnerCode": "CLINIC_PARTNER_CODE",
    "rx": "PHARMACY_RX_FLAG",
    "photoInd": "PHOTO_LAB_STATUS",
    "hearing": "HEARING_SERVICES_FLAG",
    "storeType": "STORE_TYPE",
    "address": {
        "zip": "STORE_ZIPCODE",
        "locationName": STORE_BRAND_NAME,
        "city": "STORE_CITY",
        "street": "STORE_ADDRESS",
        "intersection": "STORE_ROAD_INTERSECTION",
        "county": "STORE_COUNTY",
        "state": "STORE_STATE"
    "partnerName": "CLINIC_PARTNER_NAME",
    "serviceIndicators": {
        "shop": [
        "pharmacy": [
        "photo": [
        "otherPhotoServices": [
            "SPECIAL PHOTO",
    "services": [
            "link": "SERVICE_URL",
            "id": "SERVICE_ID",
            "serviceName": "SERVICE_NAME"
        ...shortened for brevity
    "FedEx": "FED_EX_PICKUP_FLAG",
    "vaccine": "VACCINE_SERVICE_FLAG",
    "FedRtn": "FED_EX_RETURN_FLAG",
    "storeInfo": {
        "wkdaySameInd": "WEEKDAY_SAME_HOURS_FLAG",
        "avail": "STORE_AVAILABLE_FLAG",
        "hours": [
                "close": "CLOSE_TIME_TODAY",
                "day": "HOURS_DAYS_OF_WEEK",
                "open": "OPEN_TIME_TODAY",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "close": "CLOSE_TIME_TODAY",
                "day": "HOURS_DAYS_OF_WEEK",
                "open": "OPEN_TIME_TODAY",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "close": "CLOSE_TIME_TODAY",
                "day": "HOURS_DAYS_OF_WEEK",
                "open": "OPEN_TIME_TODAY",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
        "hrs": [
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "7AM",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
    "clinic": {
        "wkdaySameInd": "WEEKDAY_SAME_HOURS_FLAG",
        "avail": "CLINIC_AVAILABLE_FLAG",
        "hours": [
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAYS_OF_WEEK",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "close": "00AM",
                "day": "HOURS_DAYS_OF_WEEK",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
        "hedisScore": [
        "hrs": [
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "7AM",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
                "date": "HOURS_DATE",
                "close": "HOURS_CLOSE_TIME",
                "day": "HOURS_DAY_ABBRV",
                "open": "HOURS_OPEN_TIME",
                "24Hrs": 24HOUR_STORE_FLAG
    "partnerId": "CLINIC_PARTNER_ID",
    "beaconInd": "STORE_CONTAINS_BEACONS",
    "storeBrand": "STORE_BRAND",
    "dp_creative_ind": "PHOTO_CREATIVE_FLAG",
    "storeStatus": {
        "pharmacyStatus": "STATUS_MESSAGE",
        "storeStatus": "STATUS_MESSAGE",
        "clinicStatus": "STATUS_MESSAGE",
        "opticalStatus": "STATUS_MESSAGE",
        "labStatus": "STATUS_MESSAGE",
        "urgentCareStatus": "STATUS_MESSAGE",
        "hearingStatus": "STATUS_MESSAGE",
        "primaryCareStatus": "STATUS_MESSAGE",
        "dentalStatus": "STATUS_MESSAGE"
    "storeNewStatus": {
        "storeId": "STORE_NUMBER",
        "pharmacyStatus": "STATUS_MESSAGE",
        "storeStatus": "STATUS_MESSAGE",
        "clinicStatus": "STATUS_MESSAGE"
    "twentyFourHr": "24HOUR_STORE_FLAG",
    "isSTSEligble": "STS_FLAG"

Store Number List

This endpoint can be used to fetch the list of all store numbers.

Endpoint URL


Endpoint Information

Request format JSON
Response format JSON
Authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes
Requests Per Minute 100

Request Body

Name Optionality Description Example
apiKey required Your API Key. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz"
affId required Your AffiliateID. "AAAAAAAAAA"
act required A static value telling our service what to do, always set to the value "storenumber". "storenumber"
appVer optional The build version of your application. "1.0"
devInf optional The device manufacturer and version. "iPhone,13.0"

Example Request

curl --request POST \ 
--url https://services-qa.walgreens.com/api/util/storenumber/v1 \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ \
	"apiKey":"YOUR_API_KEY", \
    	"affId":"YOUR_AFFILIATE_ID", \
    	"act": "storenumber", \
	"appVer":"#.#", \
	"devInf":"DEVICE,##.#" \
}' \

Example Response

    "errDesc": "",
    "errCode": "",
    "store": [
    ...shortened for brevity

Filter Options

This parameter is what can be used to find stores with certain services/features. It is defaulted to "", this would return all stores regardless of their features. The parameter can also be an array of strings from the list of any of the following:

Value Filter Description
"t4hr" Only store locations open 24 hours
"t4hr_rx" Only store locations with pharmacy open 24 hours
"dt" Only store locations with a Drive-Thru Pharmacy
"tc" Only store locations with a Healthcare Clinic
"phi" Only store locations with a Photo Lab
"cbw" Only store locations with Beer and Wine
"cdr" Only store locations that are Duane Reade
"evc" Only store locations with Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
"rb" Only store locations with Redbox DVD Rentals
"cpge" Only store locations with Blue Rhino Propane Gas Exchanges
"fs" Only store locations with Flu Shots
"icp" Only store locations that treat Chickenpox series (Varicella)
"fsim" Only store locations that treat Flu (Influenza)
"iha" Only store locations that treat Hepatitis A series
"ihb" Only store locations that treat Hepatitis B series
"ihc" Only store locations that treat Hepatitis A/B combination
"ihpv" Only store locations that treat Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
"ije" Only store locations that treat Japanese Encephalitis
"imn" Only store locations that treat Meningitis (Meningococcal)
"immr" Only store locations that treat Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
"ipn" Only store locations that treat Pneumonia (Pneumococcal)
"ipol" Only store locations that treat Polio
"irb" Only store locations that treat Rabies
"sv" Only store locations that treat Shingles(Herpes Zoster)
"iwc" Only store locations that treat Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis/Whooping Cough (Tdap)
"itd" Only store locations that treat Tetanus & Diphtheria (Td)
"ity" Only store locations that treat Typhoid
"iyf" Only store locations that treat Yellow Fever
"hhs" Only store locations that have Hepatitis Support
"hiv" Only store locations that have HIV/AIDS Support
"chhc" Only store locations that have Home Health Care Solutions
"his" Only store locations that have Infertility Support
"mc" Only store locations that have Medication Compounding
"hos" Only store locations that have Optical Services
"hts" Only store locations that have Transplant Support
"thsv_ind" Only store locations that have TravelHealth Consultations

Error Codes

Obviously we don't want any errors to happen, but sometimes they do and as a result we respond the following error codes. The table below helps explain why each of the error codes could occur:

Code Type Message
WAG-E-001 ERROR Invalid store number.
WAG_SL_SEARCH_0001 INFO No Latitude and Longitude found for XYZ.
WAG_E_SVC_UNAVAILABLE_1401 ERROR Connection between Internal Service and External Gateway is down.