API Programs > Digital Offers API

Digital Offers API

The Digital Offers API enables third party integrations to fetch, search, and clip digital coupons directly to Walgreens customers Balance Rewards Cards. Once a coupon is clipped to a customers card the offer will be auto-magically applied the next time they checkout with any applicable items on walgreens.com or in any one of our thousands of Walgreens Stores!

Version Highlights /v1:

  • Brand new micro-service contract, adjust your apps ASAP (March 2020: Complete Deprecation of Old Digital Offers API)
  • Added new detailed descriptions of all request and response parameters!
  • Added Error Codes section to help tackle those nasty bugs.

Below are the technical steps you will need to go through in order to get your integration configured and branded correctly:

The following API endpoints can be used to programmatically integrate all functions of the Digital Offers experience:


  • Lookup:
    POST /api/offers/lookup/v1
  • Member Detail:
    POST /api/offers/member/v2


  • Fetch:
    POST /api/offers/fetch/v1
  • Search:
    POST /api/offers/search/v1
  • Clip:
    POST /api/offers/clip/v1


  • Clipped:
    POST /api/offers/clipped/v1
  • Redeemed:
    POST /api/offers/redeemed/v1

Loyalty Lookup

This endpoint can be used to convert a customer phoneNumber into a loyaltyMemberId. A valid loyaltyMemberId is needed for Offers & Reporting.

Endpoint URL


Endpoint Information

Request format JSON
Response format JSON
Authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes
Requests Per Minute 300

Request Body

Name Optionality Description Example
apiKey required Your API Key. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz"
affId required Your AffiliateID. "AAAAAAAAAA"
phoneNumber required The phone number of the customer. "5555555555"
svcRequestor required A static value that indicate the request is coming from a third-party. "ECOMMTP"
appVer optional The build version of your application. "1.0"
devInf optional The device manufacturer and version. "iPhone,13.0"

Example Request

curl --request POST \ 
--url https://services-qa.walgreens.com/api/offers/lookup/v1 \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ \
	"apiKey":"YOUR_API_KEY", \
	"phoneNumber":"CUSTOMER_PHONE_NUMBER", \ 
	"svcRequestor":"svcRequestor", \
	"appVer":"#.#", \
	"devInf":"DEVICE,##.#" \
}' \

Example Response

	"phoneNumber": "CUSTOMER_PHONE_NUMBER",
	"messages": [
	    "code": "WAG_I_LOYALTY_1046",
	    "message": "Single match found for the phone number",
	    "type": "INFO"
	"matchProfiles": [
	    "loyaltyMemberId": "ENCRYPTED_LOYALTY_MEMBER_ID",
	    "loyaltyCardNumber": "LOYALTY_CARD_NUMBER",
	    "firstName": "FIRST_NAME",
	    "lastName": "LAST_NAME",
	    "email": "EMAIL",
	    "zipCode": "ZIPCODE"

Loyalty Member

This endpoint can be used to get customers full loyalty details based on their loyaltyMemberId. A valid encrypted loyaltyMemberId is required.

Endpoint URL


Endpoint Information

Request format JSON
Response format JSON
Authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes
Requests Per Minute 300

Request Body

Name Optionality Description Example
apiKey required Your API Key. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz"
affId required Your AffiliateID. "AAAAAAAAAA"
encLoyaltyId required The encrypted loyalty member Id for the customer. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz=="
svcRequestor required A static value that indicate the request is coming from a third-party. "ECOMMTP"
appVer optional The build version of your application. "1.0"
devInf optional The device manufacturer and version. "iPhone,13.0"

Example Request

curl --request POST \ 
--url https://services-qa.walgreens.com/api/offers/member/v2 \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Cookie: _abck=DD0F3AA9AB8159AF7F53E4751A782F65~-1~YAAQpHxCF9i6RXl6AQAAso1HmwaRZaRmeVB8yDll0vElO76dy9NP4LXOH2URjhgROqMWYSjXVq2mSIdllUhEOtA/UUnx4zarYkQD0dthypDV0zGkjv9NHcGcv76+3E8ZR5LfIDZSwnVV17wplaA3qy0cc4ThsxLQYLmq8EH3uA0es9D0BEbXX55dbura59DjOpHHdR1lyi33aODnxXuovS4DcyV1LYoGyasWabOm6K7/auZuVNb64nt2AQ3mOgMwmEsNxSmIzHNXaWAqqGnpkhJlQzUHOXtvvpkl44DQrZGP4l90A1LdWofyK1i1LybqUFEgodq0HvPFMBMBxq1N+CVRgucqOc+Ar/I87pJICVdE+2dR7XDWD/8yp/y/yvRQO0eFSsiQHcffVQ==~-1~-1~-1' \
--data-raw '{ \
	"apiKey":"YOUR_API_KEY", \
	"svcRequestor":"ECOMMTP", \ 
	"appVer":"#.#", \
	"devInf":"DEVICE,##.#" \
}' \

Example Response

    "CustomerType": "Member",
    "MemberID": "MEMBER_ID",
    "MemberStatus": "Active",
    "MyWagDateTime": "2020-11-10 01:09:10",
    "EMailAddress": {
        "EMailAddress": "EMAIL"
    "PetInd": "N",
    "Name": {
        "Prefix": "",
        "FirstName": "FIRST_NAME",
        "LastName": "LAST_NAME",
        "MiddleName": "",
        "Suffix": ""
    "PhoneList": {
        "Phone": [
                "AreaCode": "AREA_CODE",
                "Number": "PHONE_NUMBER",
                "TypeCode": "Mobile"
    "ProgramList": {
        "Program": [
                "ProgramCode": "PROGRAM_CODE",
                "ProgramId": "PROGRAM_ID",
                "ProgramStatus": "A",
                "ProgramStartDt": "2014-08-13T14:45:11.000Z",
                "ProgramLstUpdt": "2014-08-13T14:45:11.000Z"
                "ProgramCode": "PROGRAM_CODE",
                "ProgramId": "PROGRAM_ID",
                "ProgramStatus": "A",
                "ProgramStartDt": "2014-07-29T14:58:10.000Z",
                "ProgramLstUpdt": "2014-07-29T14:58:10.000Z"
    "AttributeList": {
        "Attribute": [
                "Key": "KEY",
                "Value": "VALUE"
                "Key": "KEY",
                "Value": "VALUE"
    "ProgramPrefList": {
        "Preference": [
                "Code": "9900000030",
                "Type": "PROGRAM",
                "Name": "WalgreensPlus",
                "Description": "POSCOUPON PLUS 20%",
                "Detail": "Get 20 percent off",
                "EffectiveStartDate": "2018-03-18T00:00:00",
                "EffectiveEndDate": "2022-06-01T23:59:59",
                "EnrollmentStartDate": "2018-03-18T00:00:00",
                "EnrollmentEndDate": "2021-06-01T23:59:59",
                "GlobalFlag": true
                "Code": "9900000050",
                "Type": "PROGRAM",
                "Name": "UHC Discount",
                "Description": "POSCOUPON UHC 20%",
                "Detail": "UHC Discount",
                "EffectiveStartDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00",
                "EffectiveEndDate": "2021-12-31T23:59:59",
                "EnrollmentStartDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00",
                "EnrollmentEndDate": "2021-12-31T23:59:59",
                "GlobalFlag": true
                "Code": "9900000060",
                "Type": "PROGRAM",
                "Name": "1% Walgreens Cash rewards",
                "Description": "5% W Cash rewards on Walgreens branded products",
                "Detail": "1% Walgreens Cash rewards",
                "Value": "Y",
                "EffectiveStartDate": "2020-10-01T00:00:00",
                "EffectiveEndDate": "2099-12-31T23:59:59",
                "EnrollmentStartDate": "2020-10-01T00:00:00",
                "EnrollmentEndDate": "2099-12-31T23:59:59",
                "LastOptInDate": "2020-11-10T01:09:10",
                "GlobalFlag": true
                "Code": "1000001405",
                "Type": "PROGRAM",
                "Name": "Bonus Offer",
                "Description": "Walgreens Cash rewards good on future purchases",
                "Detail": "Earn $5 W Cash rewards when you spend $30 or more on any No7 Product(s)",
                "EffectiveStartDate": "2021-06-27T00:00:00",
                "EffectiveEndDate": "2021-07-24T23:59:59",
                "EnrollmentStartDate": "2021-06-24T00:00:00",
                "EnrollmentEndDate": "2021-07-24T23:59:59",
                "GlobalFlag": true
                "Code": "1000001208",
                "Type": "PROGRAM",
                "Name": "Walgreens Plus Bonus Offer",
                "Description": "Valid in store and on Walgreens.com",
                "Detail": "Get $5 Walgreens Cash rewards when you spend $5",
                "EffectiveStartDate": "2021-07-01T00:00:00",
                "EffectiveEndDate": "2021-07-31T23:59:59",
                "EnrollmentStartDate": "2021-06-30T00:00:00",
                "EnrollmentEndDate": "2021-07-31T23:59:59",
                "GlobalFlag": true
                "Code": "1000001283",
                "Type": "PROGRAM",
                "Name": "myW Credit Card 1 Time Offer",
                "Description": "Valid in store and on Walgreens.com",
                "Detail": "Get $25 W Cash rewards the first time you use your myW Credit Card",
                "EffectiveStartDate": "2021-04-23T00:00:00",
                "EffectiveEndDate": "2023-12-31T23:59:59",
                "EnrollmentStartDate": "2021-04-22T00:00:00",
                "EnrollmentEndDate": "2023-12-31T23:59:59",
                "GlobalFlag": true
                "Code": "1000001282",
                "Type": "PROGRAM",
                "Name": "myW Credit Card 1 Time Offer",
                "Description": "Valid in store and on Walgreens.com",
                "Detail": "Get $25 W Cash rewards the first time you use your myW Credit Card",
                "EffectiveStartDate": "2021-04-23T00:00:00",
                "EffectiveEndDate": "2023-12-31T23:59:59",
                "EnrollmentStartDate": "2021-04-22T00:00:00",
                "EnrollmentEndDate": "2023-12-31T23:59:59",
                "GlobalFlag": true
    "CardNumber": "CARD_NUMBER",
    "Reward": {
        "CurrentBalance": 3800,
        "CurrentBalanceDollars": "3.80",
        "RedemptionSchedule": [
                "AwardID": 2061,
                "Amount": 1,
                "Points": 1000,
                "Dollars": 1
                "AwardID": 2062,
                "Amount": 2,
                "Points": 2000,
                "Dollars": 2
                "AwardID": 2063,
                "Amount": 3,
                "Points": 3000,
                "Dollars": 3
        "LastActivityDate": "2021-07-01T20:29:39",
        "SmartPrompt": false,
        "ProjectedForfeitDate": "2021-12-31T20:29:39",
        "RedemptionDisabled": false,
        "LinkedAcctInd": false,
        "RxThreshold": {
            "ScriptsTo": 5,
            "PointsAwarded": 2500,
            "DollarsAwarded": 2.5
    "Preferences": {
        "MyWagConsentInd": true,
        "DoNotCallInd": null,
        "DoNotMailInd": null,
        "MinAgeInd": true,
        "EMailConsentInd": true,
        "EMailValidStatus": "VERIFIED",
        "SmsMktConsentInd": false,
        "SmsValidStatus": "PENDING",
        "DigitalReceiptInd": "DIGITAL",
        "EEWAGUser": true
    "AffiliationPoints": [
            "Code": "HEALTHY_CHOICES",
            "PointsEarned": 2350,
            "DollarsEarned": 2.35
            "Code": "RALLY_HEALTH",
            "PointsEarned": 42000,
            "DollarsEarned": 42
            "Code": "TM_BENEFITS_2020",
            "PointsEarned": 26000,
            "DollarsEarned": 26
            "Code": "STEPS",
            "PointsEarned": 61420,
            "DollarsEarned": 61.42
            "Code": "TM_BENEFITS_2019",
            "PointsEarned": 14000,
            "DollarsEarned": 14
    "PointsExpirations": [
            "Amount": 2,
            "ExpiresOn": "2022-01-01",
            "Points": "2410",
            "Dollars": "2.41"
            "Amount": 0,
            "ExpiresOn": "2022-04-01",
            "Points": "90",
            "Dollars": "0.09"
            "Amount": 0,
            "ExpiresOn": "2022-06-01",
            "Points": "940",
            "Dollars": "0.94"
            "Amount": 0,
            "ExpiresOn": "2022-07-01",
            "Points": "200",
            "Dollars": "0.20"
            "Amount": 0,
            "ExpiresOn": "2022-08-01",
            "Points": "160",
            "Dollars": "0.16"
    "CEPLaunchDttm": "Apr 16, 2021"

Fetch Offers

This endpoint can be used to fetch dynamically ranked sets of offers that are currently available to clip for a given loyaltyMemberId. A valid loyaltyMemberId is needed. You will then use the id of then offer to clip the offer to the customer loyalty card when they choose to do so.

Endpoint URL


Endpoint Information

Request format JSON
Response format JSON
Authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes
Requests Per Minute 300

Request Body

Name Optionality Description Example
apiKey required Your API Key. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz"
affId required Your AffiliateID. "AAAAAAAAAA"
svcRequestor required A static value that indicate the request is coming from a third-party. "ECOMMTP"
encLoyaltyId required The encrypted loyalty member Id for the customer. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz=="
cat optional A specific category of coupons, if wanted.
  • "" (all categories)
  • "Baby, Kids & Toys"
  • "Beauty"
  • "Diet & Fitness"
  • "Grocery"
  • "Home Medical"
  • "Household"
  • "Medicines & Treatments"
  • "Other"
  • "Personal Care"
  • "Sexual Wellness"
  • "Vitamins & Supplements"
recSize required The requested number of offers for each pagination (Maximum 50). 50
recStartIndex required The index of the pagination, start at 0 and increment with the last "i" value for each offer in the response until there are no more offers. 0 (or i value of last offer in response)
appVer optional The build version of your application. "1.0"
devInf optional The device manufacturer and version. "iPhone,13.0"

Example Request

curl --request POST \ 
--url https://services-qa.walgreens.com/api/offers/fetch/v1 \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ \
	"apiKey":"YOUR_API_KEY", \
	"svcRequestor":"ECOMMTP", \
	"cat":"", \
	"recSize":50, \
	"recStartIndex":0, \
	"appVer":"#.#", \
	"devInf":"DEVICE,##.#" \
}' \

Example Response

	"summary": {
		"availableCount": APPLICABLE_OFFERS_COUNT,
		"totalRecords": TOTAL_OFFERS_COUNT,
		"targetedCount": TARGETED_OFFERS,
		"maxClippingLimit": OFFERS_CLIPABLE_COUNT
	"coupons": [
	    "sneakpeek": true/false,
	    "isJustForYou": true/false,
	    "expiryDate": "MM/DD/YY",
	    "activeDate": "MM/DD/YY",
	    "expiryDateAsUTC": 1234567890000,
	    "activeDateAsUTC": 1234567890000,
	    "brandName": "OFFER_BRAND_NAME",
	    "categoryName": "OFFER_CATEGORY_NAME",
	    "code": "OFFER_CODE",
	    "description": "OFFER_DESCRIPTION",
	    "id": "OFFER_ID",
	    "image": "OFFER_IMAGE_SMALL",
	    "image2": "OFFER_IMAGE_LARGE",
	    "offerValue": OFFER_DOLLAR_VALUE,
	    "source": "OFFER_SOURCE_SYSTEM",
	    "summary": "OFFER_SUMMARY_OF_VALUE",
	...shortened for brevity

Search Offers

This endpoint can be used to fetch dynamically ranked sets of offers that are currently available to clip for a given loyaltyMemberId based on a the q or query for a specific brand / description of the applicable product. A valid loyaltyMemberId is needed. You will then use the id of then offer to clip the offer to the customer loyalty card when they choose to do so.

Endpoint URL


Endpoint Information

Request format JSON
Response format JSON
Authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes
Requests Per Minute 300

Request Body

Name Optionality Description Example
apiKey required Your API Key. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz"
affId required Your AffiliateID. "AAAAAAAAAA"
svcRequestor required A static value that indicate the request is coming from a third-party. "ECOMMTP"
encLoyaltyId required The encrypted loyalty member Id for the customer. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz=="
q required The query by the customer, can be a brand name or applicable product description.
  • "Shampoo"
  • "Advil"
  • "Grocery"
  • "...etc"
type required The type of offers you wish to query against.
  • "coupons"
  • "weekly ad"
recSize required The requested number of offers for each pagination (Maximum 50). 50
recStartIndex required The index of the pagination, start at 0 and increment with the last "i" value for each offer in the response until there are no more offers. 0 (or i value of last offer in response)
appVer optional The build version of your application. "1.0"
devInf optional The device manufacturer and version. "iPhone,13.0"

Example Request

curl --request POST \ 
--url https://services-qa.walgreens.com/api/offers/search/v1 \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ \
	"apiKey":"YOUR_API_KEY", \
	"svcRequestor":"ECOMMTP", \
	"q":"Advil", \ 
	"recSize":50, \
	"recStartIndex":0, \
	"type":"coupons", \
	"appVer":"#.#", \
	"devInf":"DEVICE,##.#" \
}' \

Example Response

	"summary": {
		"availableCount": APPLICABLE_OFFERS_COUNT,
		"totalRecords": TOTAL_OFFERS_COUNT,
		"targetedCount": TARGETED_OFFERS,
		"maxClippingLimit": OFFERS_CLIPABLE_COUNT
	"coupons": [
	    "sneakpeek": false,
	    "expiryDate": "MM/DD/YY",
	    "activeDate": "MM/DD/YY",
	    "expiryDateAsUTC": 1234567890000,
	    "activeDateAsUTC": 1234567890000,
	    "brandName": "OFFER_BRAND_NAME",
	    "categoryName": "CATEGORY_NAME",
	    "code": "OFFER_CODE",
	    "description": "OFFER_DESCRIPTION",
	    "id": "OFFER_ID",
	    "image": "OFFER_IMAGE_SMALL",
	    "image2": "OFFER_IMAGE_LARGE",
	    "offerValue": OFFER_DOLLAR_VALUE,
	    "source": "OFFER_SOURCE_SYSTEM",
	    "summary": "OFFER_SUMMARY_OF_VALUE",
	    "isClipped": true/false,
	...shortened for brevity

Clip Offer

This endpoint can be used to clip an offer for a given loyaltyMemberId based on a the offer id. A valid loyaltyMemberId and offer id are needed. This endpoint should only be called by the customer choosing to clip (No automatic clipping integration will be allowed in production).

Endpoint URL


Endpoint Information

Request format JSON
Response format JSON
Authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes
Requests Per Minute 100

Request Body

Name Optionality Description Example
apiKey required Your API Key. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz"
affId required Your AffiliateID. "AAAAAAAAAA"
svcRequestor required A static value that indicate the request is coming from a third-party. "ECOMMTP"
encLoyaltyId required The encrypted loyalty member Id for the customer. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz=="
id required The offer Id the customer wants to clip. "abcdefgh-1234-abc1-def1-abc123def123gh"
channel optional Your PublisherId for tracking the revenue share when redemption happens. "12345678"
appVer optional The build version of your application. "1.0"
devInf optional The device manufacturer and version. "iPhone,13.0"

Example Request

curl --request POST \ 
--url https://services-qa.walgreens.com/api/offers/clip/v1 \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ \
	"apiKey":"YOUR_API_KEY", \
	"svcRequestor":"ECOMMTP", \
	"id":"OFFER_ID", \ 
	"channel":"YOUR_PUBLISHER_ID", \
	"appVer":"#.#", \
	"devInf":"DEVICE,##.#" \
}' \

Example Response

	"messages": [
	    "code": "WAG_I_DO_4003",
	    "message": "Success! Coupon clipped to card.",
	    "type": "INFO"
	"offerId": "OFFER_ID_CLIPPED",
	"clippedCount": TOTAL_OFFERS_CLIPPED,
	"availableToClipCount": OFFERS_AVAILABLE_TO_CLIP

Clipped Offers Reporting

This endpoint can be used to report on the offers that are currently clipped to a specific loyaltyMemberId. A valid loyaltyMemberId is needed.

Endpoint URL


Endpoint Information

Request format JSON
Response format JSON
Authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes
Requests Per Minute 300

Request Body

Name Optionality Description Example
apiKey required Your API Key. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz"
affId required Your AffiliateID. "AAAAAAAAAA"
svcRequestor required A static value that indicate the request is coming from a third-party. "ECOMMTP"
encLoyaltyId required The encrypted loyalty member Id for the customer. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz=="
recSize required The requested number of offers for each pagination (Maximum 50). 50
recStartIndex required The index of the pagination, start at 0 and increment with the last "i" value for each offer in the response until there are no more offers. 0 (or i value of last offer in response)
appVer optional The build version of your application. "1.0"
devInf optional The device manufacturer and version. "iPhone,13.0"

Example Request

curl --request POST \ 
--url https://services-qa.walgreens.com/api/offers/clipped/v1 \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ \
	"apiKey":"YOUR_API_KEY", \
	"svcRequestor":"ECOMMTP", \
	"recSize":50, \
	"recStartIndex":0, \
	"appVer":"#.#", \
	"devInf":"DEVICE,##.#" \
}' \

Example Response

    "summary": {
        "availableToClipCount": OFFERS_AVAILABLE_TO_CLIP,
        "maxClippingLimit": OFFERS_CLIPABLE_COUNT,
        "clippedCount": TOTAL_OFFERS_CLIPPED
    "coupons": [
		"sneakpeek": true/false,
		"isJustForYou": true/false,
		"expiryDate": "MM/DD/YY",
		"activeDate": "MM/DD/YY",
		"expiryDateAsUTC": 1234567890000,
		"activeDateAsUTC": 1234567890000,
		"brandName": "OFFER_BRAND_NAME",
		"categoryName": "OFFER_CATEGORY_NAME",
		"code": "OFFER_CODE",
		"image": "OFFER_IMAGE_SMALL",
		"image2": "OFFER_IMAGE_LARGE",
		"offerValue": OFFER_DOLLAR_VALUE,
		"source": "OFFER_SOURCE_SYSTEM",
		"summary": "OFFER_SUMMARY_OF_VALUE",
		"loyaltyCoupon": "true/false",
		"activationDate": "MM/DD/YY",
		"activationDateAsUTC": 1234567890000,
	...shortened for brevity 

Redeemed Offers Reporting

This endpoint can be used to report on the offers that have been redeemed by a specific loyaltyMemberId in a given time range starting with startDate and ending with endDate. A valid loyaltyMemberId is needed and startDate must be before endDate.

Endpoint URL


Endpoint Information

Request format JSON
Response format JSON
Authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes
Requests Per Minute 300

Request Body

Name Optionality Description Example
apiKey required Your API Key. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz"
affId required Your AffiliateID. "AAAAAAAAAA"
svcRequestor required A static value that indicate the request is coming from a third-party. "ECOMMTP"
encLoyaltyId required The encrypted loyalty member Id for the customer. "AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz=="
startDate required The beginning date of the time range querying against. "YYYY-DD-MM"
endDate required The ending date of the time range querying against. "YYYY-DD-MM"
recSize required The requested number of offers for each pagination (Maximum 50). 50
recStartIndex required The index of the pagination, start at 0 and increment with the last "i" value for each offer in the response until there are no more offers. 0 (or i value of last offer in response)
appVer optional The build version of your application. "1.0"
devInf optional The device manufacturer and version. "iPhone,13.0"

Example Request

curl --request POST \ 
--url https://services-qa.walgreens.com/api/offers/redeemed/v1 \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ \
	"apiKey":"YOUR_API_KEY", \
	"svcRequestor":"ECOMMTP", \
	"startDate":"YYYY-DD-MM", \ 
	"endDate":"YYYY-DD-MM", \ 
	"recSize":50, \
	"recStartIndex":0, \
	"appVer":"#.#", \
	"devInf":"DEVICE,##.#" \
}' \

Example Response

    "summary": {
        "redeemedCount": TOTAL_OFFERS_REDEEMED_COUNT
    "coupons": [
        "sneakpeek": true/false,
	    "expiryDate": "MM/DD/YY",
	    "activeDate": "MM/DD/YY",
	    "expiryDateAsUTC": 1234567890000,
	    "activeDateAsUTC": 1234567890000,
	    "channel": "OFFER_CLIP_CHANNEL",
	    "brandName": "OFFER_BRAND_NAME",
	    "description": "OFFER_DESCRIPTION",
	    "id": "OFFER_ID",
	    "categoryName": "OFFER_CATEGORY_NAME",
	    "code": "OFFER_CODE",
	    "image": "OFFER_IMAGE_SMALL",
	    "image2": "OFFER_IMAGE_LARGE",
	    "offerValue": OFFER_DOLLAR_VALUE,
	    "source": "OFFER_SOURCE_SYSTEM",
	    "summary": "OFFER_SUMMARY_OF_VALUE",
        "loyaltyCoupon": "true/false",
        "activationDate": "MM/DD/YY",
        "activationDateAsUTC": 1234567890000,
        "redeemedDate": "MM/DD/YY",
        "redeemedDateAsUTC": 1234567890000,
        "redemptionDateTimeStamp": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-GMThh:GMTmm",
	...shortened for brevity 

Error Codes

Obviously we don't want any errors to happen, but sometimes they do and as a result we respond the following error codes. The table below helps explain why each of the error codes could occur:

Code Type Message
WAG_E_LOYALTY_1041 ERROR We couldn't find your myWalgreens membership in our database. Migration to myWalgreens has not been completed.
WAG_E_LOYALTY_1044 ERROR Invalid phone number format:
(ex: "### ### ####" is invalid)
Invalid phone number type:
(ex: "ABCDEFG" is invalid)
WAG_E_SVC_UNAVAILABLE_1401 ERROR Connection between Internal Service and External Gateway is down.
WAG_E_DO_4011 ERROR Internal Service is broken.
WAG_E_DO_4020 ERROR Sorry, but there's an issue with your BalanceĀ® Rewards membership, and some of your coupons are unavailable right now. For assistance, call customer service at 877-250-5823.
WAG_I_DO_4023 INFO There are no coupons available.
WAG_I_DO_4061 INFO There are no coupons for the particular category.